
酒价网|2013-09-12 10:35:00


  Everyone who owns that cutesy, annoying sign that says, “Wine a Bit...You’ll Feel Better” has been validated. Not in terms of taste in design, mind you, but rather in regards to mental health。


  A new Spanish study has shown that moderate consumption of wine, a depressant, is associated with a lower risk of depression. The seven-year study followed 5,505 men and women between the ages of 55 and 80 who were at high risk for depression. Participants were part of the larger PPREDIMED study: Prevention with Mediterranean Diet, which looks at the health benefits of things like eating lots of olive oil and drinking wine. While those who drank heavily were more prone to depression, the study found, “wine consumption in the range of two to seven drinks/week was significantly associated with lower rates of depression。

  一项新的西班牙的研究显示适度饮酒与较低的患抑郁症风险密切相关。这一研究历时7年,期间共追踪了5505名,年龄在55到80之间的有较高患抑郁症风险的男性和女性。这个研究的参与者都来自另一个更大型的PPREDIMED研究:地中海饮食法的防治功能。这项研究着重与饮食对健康的积极作用,例如食用大量橄榄油和饮酒。尽管过量饮酒的人容易患抑郁症,但是研究发现 “每周饮用2到7杯酒与较低的抑郁症发生率显著相关”。

  As detrimental as being a problem drinker can be—there’s cardiovascular disease to consider here too—the researchers want to differentiate between alcoholic-level consumption and “non-problematic alcohol consumption。” Which, when we’re talking wine, may be as beneficial as heavy drinking is dangerous: “Moderate alcohol intake, especially alcohol from wine, has been repeatedly reported to be inversely associated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Some of the responsible mechanisms for this inverse association are likely to be involved also in a reduced risk of depression。”


  So while the medical excuse for popping the cork on a bottle of wine on any given weeknight used to be all about Resveratrol, more recent studies haven’t exactly upheld the notion that the compound actually increases longevity. So if wine’s taste merits aren’t enough for you, potentially avoiding heart disease and depression is a pretty compelling argument for having a glass of wine with dinner almost every night of the week。

  尽管医疗界将饮用红酒的好处都归结为与白藜芦醇相关,但是并没有更多的研究支持白藜芦醇会延长寿命这一理论。 所以如果红酒的味道不能足够吸引你的话,那它潜在的可以避免心脏病和抑郁症的这一优点,对于每晚在晚饭时配一杯酒是非常具有说服力的。

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